How did this veteran go from the military to writing for video games like Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead?

Justin Sloan is a Marine veteran who is now a professional writer. He’s currently a screenwriter for a video game company working on projects like Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. He’s done film screenwriting, published books, acted, and has even been a stunt coordinator. In this interview, we talk about his interesting career path after the military that highlights the options that service members have when they get out that’s not often talked about.

Insights From The Interview
Method Living: Everything has to represent who you want to be, externally and internally.
- How Justin used LinkedIn to get his job, even in the creative industry.
- Why networking is vital to figuring out what you want to do.
- How Jason decided when he couldn’t split his passions and focus on two careers.
- The questions he asked when reaching out to new contacts. It wasn’t “Can you help me?”
- What happens when yourself bored in your career.
- How Justin stopped “running from himself.”
- Work hard at your passions and use those expreiences as credentials for your work.
- How to tell a story with your resume.
- Justin was inspired by the Game of Thrones book series. That got him started on writing similar works and then led him to write for the GOT video game. How awesome is that?

You can find more about Justin at or reach out to him via e-mail and twitter @justinmsloan.
Tell him you heard him on SuccessVets to get a free copy of the audiobook while supplies last.
Check out Justin's book, Military Veterans In Creative
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